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Team info

Nikki Okkels
Jop van Aken
Louise De Laat


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

We are looking for members that want to work on the future of sustainable mobility in a fun and multidisciplinary team!

Contact us

The Challenge 

The transportation sector accounts for around one fifth of the global carbon dioxide emissions. Road transport alone even accounts for 15% of the total CO2 emissions. With the European Green Deal deadline set and the EU wanting to be the first climate neutral continent by 2050, improving in the sector that emits the most CO2 is a logical step for us. Let's shape the future of sustainable mobility together!

The Solution

TU/ecomotive has designed six cars already and is currently working on their seventh car. With a modular car (Nova), a bio-based car (Noah) and our most recent car Luca that has been made fully out of waste we already have a rich history of concept cars with a strong message. This year we have a new goal - making world's first CO2 neutral car from scratch. We will reach this goal by tracking CO2 emissions during the production, the driving and the after-life of the car. If only 35 students can achieve this within a year, why is a big company like Tesla not able to do this yet?

The Mission

The mission of TU/ecomotive is to inspire the general public, the (automotive) industry and the engineers of the future and to make them think about the future of sustainable mobility. We want to show that implementing new materials, production methods and technologies will help to reach the goals set in the European Green Deal and by presenting our CO2 neutral car we will show the world that it really is possible already to reduce the CO2 emissions of the transportation sector.



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