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Team info

Teun Kortekaas
Annika Schavemaker
Dio IJsseldijk


The Challenge 

How often have you been to a party where a ton of group photos were taken, but you never found any of them back? After an event (party/festival/holiday/Christmas dinner/etc.) it can be troublesome to find all the pictures you are on. Maybe you don’t have the contact details of that photographer who took that good looking pic for you. Even if you know who to approach, people often share the (compressed) pictures long after the event and use different media to do so. This way, you are not just missing out on a good photo, but on a good memory.

The Solution

Palbum offers a mobile application in which, via a highly customizable profile, all adventures can be collected and shared. One of Palbum’s USPs is the use of QR-codes during events, enabling the photographer and visitors to directly access and upload related pictures by scanning the QR-code. It is also possible to create groups with friends, to share the photos of your weekly parties! In this way, all pictures will be organized by group and event, allowing the user to refer to these pictures on their profile to create a personal collection of selected memories. Privacy and convenience are imperative here.

The Mission

Palbum aims to improve the convenience of sharing photos with groups, because a photo is more than merely a collection of pixels or a piece of paper. It serves as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone. Palbum wants to ensure that these valuable collective memories do not get lost. The photos should maintain their quality and accessibility, without a loss of privacy.



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