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Team info

Daniël Lam
Hiba Binous
Yasmine Rettab


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

We are looking for members who are interested in entrepreneurship and are able to work in a multidisciplinary team. We need programmers, creative brainstormers, and designers!

Contact us

The Challenge 

We want to tackle the lack of information about the life cycle of electronics. When you buy an electronic device, you are unaware of what kind of processes it has gone through or how it can be disassembled for disposal.

The Solution

We will create a platform with software that is able to analyze the life cycle of a mobile electronic product based on its emission rates. When this is analyzed, it will be composed in simple language to make the environmental effect of these devices more understandable to the consumer.

The Mission

We want to create a more open-source future regarding the consumption of mobile electronic devices to minimize the environmental after-effects.


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